Thursday, February 12, 2009

Newsletter on Building a 3 Month Supply...

I was asked recently in the hallway at church if I had any literature that might be good to hand out to non-members on the basics of preparedness and food storage. A good friend from a neighboring stake put together a beautiful informational newsletter on building a 3 month supply that I would class among the literature that would be great to give to someone not of our faith. It has great info on why a 3 month supply is a good idea...shelf lives of various products...shelving systems...etc...and it all fits in just 3 pages! It does have a few quotes from the prophets...but shouldn't come off too "churchy".

The newsletter can be downloaded from his site called "Principles of Preparedness".

1 comment:

  1. I like this and I think everyone could always be a little better prepared. I have been stocking away food for quite sometime, just to be safe.

    I found living in california that you can never have to much water, especially clean water. It always seems like you see warning saying to conserve water, etc. So I sought out and found this emergency water, that is canned. Shelf life was the big seller for me, over 50 yrs. No brainer. It by the case in these easy to store cans. Over all very practical.

    Here is a web-site I like to use:

    It has everything one would want especially putting together a 3 month supply.

