Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Prophets...the New Deal...and our New Deal
Yes this is long...but you should read it.
Marches Ensign has 4 articles on various principles of self reliance. This is not a new topic for the LDS people to hear about. The prophets have long spoken on the need to be self eschew socialism...and to truly "Stand independent above all other creatures". This means to take responsibility for our own welfare...and the welfare of our families and to not rely upon others for our support...including our governments.
As the financial peril escalates in the US...those in office that promote the welfare state and those that suck at the udder of the welfare state...seem to be trying to get every last bit of milk from the shriveling teet of the taxpayers before it dries out. Many who have not even considered such handouts in the past are now considering it their only hope of keeping their heads above water as things get financially harder for their families.
Ezra Taft Benson spoke prophetically when he said...
“When government presumes to demand more and more of the fruits of men’s labor through taxation, and reduces more and more its actual income by printing money and furthering debt, the wage earner is left with less and less to buy food, to provide housing, medical care, education, and private welfare. Individuals are then left without a choice, and must look to the state as benevolent supporter. When that happens, liberty is gone!” (Ezra Taft Benson "An Enemy Hath Done This")
I'd encourage you to read that again several times so you understand what he said and see the application to our present situation.
Many who are hoping for a government dole fail to realize that in reality they are seeking their opportunity to take a piece of someone elses pie...made available through the oppressive burdensome forced taxation of their fellow citizens. They are partcipating in the legalized plunder of their brothers and sisters. For government does not produce wealth...and when the government puts any red cent into someones pocket for a grant...a welfare benefit...a bailout...whatever you want to call had be taken from someone else who earned it through their labors. Though such handouts may be "legal" and alluring...especially when we too may be standing on the edge of financial ruin...we must remember that as Marion G. Romney stated in Marches Ensign...
"We cannot afford to become wards of the government, even if we have a legal right to do so. It requires too great a sacrifice of self-respect and political, temporal, and spiritual independence."
and that Ezra Taft Benson told us that those who accept unearned benefits...should be reminded of the Lords moral code that "Thou Shalt not Steal".
It is a truth that we seldom seem to learn from history. Sure we may remember dates that things happened and such...but we can fall prey to the fallacy of thinking that we are somehow an exception to the rule...that "That was then and this is now. It is totally different now....they were primitive...and we are advanced!" Perhaps we too have fallen into the trap of the people of Ammonihah that we are so great that we cannot be destroyed!? And yet we know that Ammonihah was destroyed and in "one day it was left desolate". We may also selectively read the Book of Mormon and embrace the parts that talk about how this is a choice land and the many blessings attending it...and fail to finish the words of the Lord where he tells us that we must serve Him or be "swept off". Yes...our God "raiseth up a righteous nation" but he also "destroyeth the nations of the wicked" (1Nephi 17:37)
Lest we think that we are somehow above calamites happening "here" Ezra Taft Benson reminded us in General Conference in 1980...
"Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake ... cannot happen here. Those who believe this are either not acquainted with the revelations of the Lord, or they do not believe them.
Those who smugly think these calamities will not happen, that they will somehow be set aside because of the righteousness of the Saints, are deceived and will rue the day they harbored such a delusion."
If we do not learn from our scriptures and the worlds history...then we may very well repeat the same mistakes. We would do well to learn from other countries whose monetary systems collapsed and to not walk their same path. We would do well to learn from economists that practice sound gospel centered principles. We would do well to read the words of the prophets!
Ezra Taft Benson outlined some of the events that led to the fall of rome. We seem to be following that same path without deviance...
“It is written that there were vast increases in the number of the idle rich, and the idle poor. The latter (the idle poor) were put on a permanent dole, a welfare system not unlike our own. As this system became permanent, the recipients of public largesse (welfare) increased in number. They organized into a political block with sizable power. They were not hesitant about making their demands known. Nor was the government hesitant about agreeing to their demands … and with ever-increasing frequency. Would-be emperors catered to them. The great, solid middle class—Rome’s strength then as ours is today—was taxed more and more to support a bureaucracy that kept growing larger, and even more powerful. Surtaxes were imposed upon incomes to meet emergencies. The government engaged in deficit spending. The denarius, a silver coin similar to our half dollar, began to lose its silvery hue. It took on a copper color as the government reduced the silver content."
The federal reserve note fiat "dollar" continues to lose even more of it's "silvery hue" every day as our government spends every last cent we don't have...and as a result many of the worlds largest countries have dumped it as their reserve currency. The economists I believe fully expect the collapse of the dollar in the not too disant future. We may want to keep our wheelbarrows in good repair to hold all of the cash we may need to buy a loaf of bread...if one is still available.
As we listen to the news of our day there are many comparisons being tossed around regarding the similarities of our current situation and that of the Great Depression. There are comparisons being made between Obama's actions and that of FDR's "New Deal". Many of these news agencies make it sound like we may see this "New New Deal" in the future...and yet it is apparent that much of it has already begun. The first New Deal created more regulatory bodies and put people to work on the taxpayers dime. That is what is happening now! The taxpayer is paying for government work projects! Infrastructure construction projects getting back online...companies that can't compete being funded by you...regulations being set up to try to monitor this mass redistribution of wealth...planned raises in taxes. Many of these plans are being painted as being a short term fix for a long term benefit. These Keynesian economic principles that are being employed to get us out of our economic my opinion will not work. Our country is being bankrupted and communism is growing as the state gains control of more and more of our wealth as they pick up our businesses...mortgages...etc for cheap...all under the guise of "saving them". Karl Marx would be sooo pleased...his 10 planks getting even stronger in America!
Many of the first New Deals programs and policies were set up in the same fashion and have turned out to be anything but short term. Many of those socialistic...over-regulating organizations still are running full force today. Heck...we recently bailed out Fannie Mae which is one of them! Much of the legacy of the first New Deal has been hanging onto the body of America from a short swim through muddy a leech hanging on by it's teeth....drinking at the blood of our prosperity all these years. what may be more troubled days in our future...there may be even more pressure to sup at the table of the welfare state (perhaps you think the socialized medicine plan sounds great!) There may be some eloquent and stirring speeches that tear at your heartstrings making you feel all softhearted about supporting socialism. There may be events that take place that scare you into thinking that "This is the only way to save America". I encourage you to turn off Amalikiah's propaganda being shouted from every tower in this nation (Alma 48:1)...and look to God and the prophets for the truth regarding the basics of welfare...and how we should feel about the direction our country is headed in.
This Marches Ensign includes a powerful article by Marion G. Romney. This is what the prophets would have you hear...right now regarding these carefully...
"The practice of coveting and receiving unearned benefits has now become so fixed in our society that even men of great wealth, and possessing the means to produce more wealth, are expecting the government to guarantee them a profit. Elections often turn on what the candidates promise to do for voters from government funds. This practice, if universally accepted and implemented in any society, will make slaves of its citizens."
In closing I'd like for you to read a letter that The First Presidency wrote that was written in opposition to the "New Deal". I will bold some of the points that I think are especially noteworthy.
Letter from the First Presidency (Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., and David O.McKay) to the U.S. Treasury, dated September 30, 1941.
"Thus, according to the gospel plan under which the Church is established and operates, the care of the widow, the orphan, and the poor, is a Church function, is a part of the brotherhood of man which underlies our whole social and religious life. As God’s children all, and as brothers and sisters in Christ, we must as a matter of spiritual responsibility and pursuant to positive divine command care for the helpless, the unfortunate, and the needy. Furthermore, it is essentially a neighbor to neighbor obligation. It is not a function of civil government.
This is fundamental….The primary aim of this program is to provide for the material wants of faithful members of the Church who find themselves now in difficulty, to rebuild them spiritually, and to restore to them the proper concept, pride, and appreciation of American citizenship…No effort has been spared to teach the people to be self reliant, independent, to take a humble, righteous pride in being, individually and as communities, fully self supporting. These things have been told in order that you may have a background and understanding of what we are now to say. Viewing all of these things it will be easy for you to understand that the Church has not found it possible to follow along the lines of the present general tendency in the matter of property rights, taxes, the curtailment of rights and liberties of the people, nor in general the economic policies of what is termed the “New Deal”. The great bulk of what these people are trying to do is, in the final analysis, absolutely contrary to the fundamental principles of which we have spoken. It is the considered, long considered opinion of President Grant and those who are associated with him, that our nation cannot be preserved if the present governmental policies shall continue. We do not believe that any other great nation or great civilization can be built up or maintained by the use of such policies.. .. As we see it, there is no way in which we can, to use your own words, “preserve and perpetuate our freedom—freedom to govern ourselves, freedom of speech, and freedom to worship God according to our own light,” except we shall turn away from our present course and resume the normal course along which this great country traveled to its present high eminence of prosperity, of culture, of universal education, and of the peace and contentment which we enjoyed prior to the inauguration of the “New Deal,” We have done in the past, we are doing now, and we shall continue in the future to do everything within our power to secure this turning of which we speak We confess to you that it has not been possible for us to unify our own people even upon the necessity of such a turning about, and therefore we cannot unfortunately, and we say it regretfully, make any practical suggestion to you as to how the nation can be turned about. But the President of the United States could do it in good part if he were willing to exert his effort along that line, but this he appears not to be willing to do.
This we feel we can definitely say, that unless the people of America forsake the sins and the errors, political and otherwise, of which they are now guilty and return to the practice of the great fundamental principles of Christianity, and of Constitutional government, there will be no exaltation for them spiritually, and politically we shall lose our liberty and free institutions.
Returning to your original letter and our reply thereto regarding the selling of Defense Bonds. The Church as a Church does not believe in war and yet since its organization whenever war has come we have done our part…. we do thoroughly believe in building up our home defenses to the maximum extent necessary, but we do not believe that aggression should be carried on in the name and under the false cloak of defense. We therefore look with sorrowing eyes at the present use to which a great part of the funds being raised by taxes and by borrowing is being put.…We believe that our real threat comes from within and not from without, and it comes from the underlying spirit common to Naziism, Fascism, and Communism, namely, the spirit which would array class against class, which would set up a socialistic state of some sort, which would rob the people of the liberties which we possess under the Constitution, and would set up such a reign of terror as exists now in many parts of Europe. We trust you will pardon this long letter, but we feel we must say that you invited it.Trusting that the Lord will point out some way, will somehow bring about a rejuvenation of the American spirit along with a true love of freedom and of our free institutions, and for Constitutional government, we are,Faithfully yours, /s/ Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., David O. McKay. "(First Presidency letter to U.S. Treasury, September 30, 1941) (As found in THE GREAT AND ABOMINABLE CHURCH OF THE DEVIL by H. VERLAN ANDERSEN© Copyright 1972H. Verlan AndersenALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Fifth Printing 1994 by his Sons and GrandsonsISBN: O-9644552-O-XLibrary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 94-74044WHAT TO DO, TO HAVE UNITY WITH THE PROPHETS)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Learning from Grandpa's Chickens...
Grandma was a tiny bit more charitable the grandpa was, but not much. She had a delicious egg soup that she sold along with the sandwiches, she would feed the hungry when grandpa wasn’t there, but if he were home, the hungry stayed hungry. There were days when she made more money then grandpa did, boy she enjoyed those particular days, she would really give him a bad time, she relished those days. As soon as grandpa walked in the door grandma would ask him how much he had made, if grandma had made more she would tell him she had made only five cents more, and save the rest for the next days accounting. That .5 cents was a family joke for many years. Grandpa and grandma, my dad and aunts and uncle didn’t have a years supply to fall back on, they made do with what they had, and did very well for themselves."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Why Eat Wild Foods?
Wild foods are NUTRITIONAL POWERHOUSES! They are so full of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals that they act like medicine in our bodies, preventing and reversing all manner of ills related to deficiencies in our modern diets.
Wild foods are NUTRITIONALLY SUPERIOR to our domesticated vegetables. Our standard grocery store produce is generally grown in depleted soils, shipped long distances and in long storage, losing nutrients all along the way. Not to mention all the chemicals used to produce it, store it, ripen it, and keep it fresh.
Wild foods are FRESH! Each day that our produce spends in storage, it loses nutrients. Once a living plant is harvested it is literally cut off from its life support system, and its health and vitality diminish rapidly. Consider the amount of time from the field to the truck to the market to the fridge to the table. Wild foods are fresh, often only a few hours lapse between the harvest and the table.
Wild foods are FREE! It does not cost a dime to harvest a dandelion. Supplementing your diet with wild foods can help you save on groceries. They can also help you save on the expense of costly vitamins and supplements. And you will save on the high cost of health care, too!
Wild foods are AVAILABLE! They are everywhere, all around us, city or country. In fact, people spend millions of dollars every year trying to eradicate them (consider the plight of the dandelions). A short walk from anywhere you live can provide a wild feast. Wild foods also have a much longer growing season than farm and garden crops. They are available as soon as the snow melts until it blankets the ground again, whereas our first garden peas and lettuce aren’t ready until late May or June!
Wild foods are ABUNDANT! The word ‘prodigal’ means recklessly abundant, lavishly bountiful. Our wild foods are such, they grow in such profusion that it is impossible to over harvest them and there is always enough for everyone (including the birds, the butterflies and the four-legged ones)!
Wild foods are DROUGHT-RESISTANT! In a drought cycle, while the lawns and gardens are suffering and turning brown, the wild plants are thriving. Wild plants and weeds are much better equipped to handle extremes in our weather than our tender garden variety plants.
Wild foods are SURVIVAL FOOD! It’s a secure feeling to know that if the grocery store were to close tomorrow or some major disaster cut off supply lines, the wild food is always there. Y2K caused many to take a second look at our dependency on centralized power and supply systems.
Wild foods are GOOD EXERCISE! The very act of harvesting wild foods is healthy for you! Going grocery shopping in the fresh air, in beautiful places is food for the soul as well as the body.
Wild foods are LESS WORK! Harvesting wild food is much less labor intensive than gardening and farming. Consider the labor involved in preparing the soil, planting, weeding, watering and caring for your garden. In the wild gardens all that work is already done for you! All you have to do is harvest! Consider also the hours of labor that you do at your job to afford to buy your groceries….
Wild foods are ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY! Harvesting wild foods helps you become more sensitized to the environment, more in tune with the seasons, and more aware of unfriendly practices like spraying, mowing, overgrazing, and dumping.
Wild foods are POLITICALLY CORRECT! Eating foods grown in our own environment means less dependence on industrialized agriculture. And it’s organic!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tepary Beans
"The Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius, Fabaceae) is native to the southwestern United States and Mexico and has been grown there by the native peoples since pre-Columbian times. It is more drought-resistant than the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and is grown in desert and semi-desert conditions from Arizona through Mexico to Costa Rica. The water requirements are low and the crop will grow in areas where annual rainfall is less than 400 mm (16 inches). It has recently been introduced to African agriculture.
Other names for this bean include Pawi, Pavi, Tepari, Escomite, Yori mui and Yori muni. The name tepary may derive from the Tohono O'odham phrase t'pawi or "It's a bean".
Tepary beans are cooked like other dry beans after soaking. Some Native Americans would toast the dry beans, then grind them into a meal which was mixed with water before eating.
Recent studies from the United States and Mexico suggest that lectin toxins and other compounds from tepary beans may be useful as chemotherapy for treating cancer. However, further research is needed.
It is an ingredient in the Indian snacks 'bhujia' by Haldiram."
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Miner's Lettuce
Miner's Lettuce, Claytonia, or Winter Purslane is one of those plants that you could walk by for years and never really notice it...and then when you do learn to identify will see it all over. It is hard to hike anywhere in California in the Spring without coming across it. In some places it is so blankets the landscape. It appears first in the sunlit areas, but the best stands are under shade. As the days get hotter, the leaves turn a deep red color as they dry out. Once you get to know it, you will begin to notice the first shoots as early as December, soon after the first heavy rains.
There is also a narrow leaf version of miners lettuce.
You don't have to just forage for could plant it too! Here is another supplier. Some like to plant it is one of the most (or perhaps THE most) cold tolerant of the salad greens. It's downside is that it is not drought tolerant. Personally I'd rather pick it up for free without having to tend it...and use my ground for things that don't grow in the I have a limited amount of space to grow.
You can eat the entire and all. To me the flavor and texture is much like Spinach. It is often eaten raw as a salad green...or can be boiled like Spinach. I snipped some today and gave some to a lady and she did not care for it...saying it was too "earthy". Some will gobble it down raw and love it...and others would need to douse it with some dressing or cook it to make it more palatable. Some just mix it with other salad greens so that the "earthy" taste is not overpowering.
Here is some great info on Miner's Lettuce. How to identify it...vitamins it contains...and even an idea of how to drink it in a smoothie.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Professional Quality Gardening/Hiking/Hot Date Sun Hat for .50 cents!!!
So you sit at a table in your favorite Mexican restaurant...basking in your enjoyment of a delicious cheesy enchilada...when all of the sudden your euphoria is abruptly disturbed by the sound of rhythmic clapping and singing.
"HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY... FROM US TO YOU...etc..." A woman sits...with her head bowed...her face beet red...with a ridiculous big sombrero on top of her head. Her friends sit back and chuckle at how absurd she looks in the big brimmed birthday hat. When the song is can almost see by looking at her that the gears in her head are turning...trying to figure out where she could put the end the disgrace of being seen wearing it in public. She thinks..."There is no room on the table...because of the food..."..."If I put it on the ground...someone will trip on it!!". So she gives up trying...and just ends her "happy" birthday with the sombrero on her head. The moment she gets to her comes off of her head it sits in the passenger seat for the drive home...perhaps it makes it's way into a closet for a few months or years...and then eventually it winds up at your neighborhood thrift be sold for .50 cents.
A simple flip of the brim to make it go down instead of up takes off maybe 50% of the dorky factor (according to experts)...and really makes it look similar to some of the sun hats that are available at your local gardening center that they are asking $30-$40 for!...and I repeat....with a larger brim. Most American sun hats brims...are what I would consider too small for real sun protection.
So...are you like that woman in the restaurant...easily embarrassed? I know I'm not. More than likely the only time my face gets red nowadays is when I am running playing church basketball! Often my lack of embarrassment is to the chagrin of my family who accompanies me into public. I have no problem wearing this hat into public if I know the alternative is to have the sun burn my naked head. But if that is too bold a move for you...hey...wear it in your backyard when you are doing yard work...and if someone sees you and persecutes you for your sombrero...and if you are weak to resist their taunts you could just say..."I got swept into listening to some crazy guy on the Internet who said it was a good idea!"
I encourage you to be strong...and join the sombrero revolution and defy those that would seek to stifle your freedom of choice with regards to head wear! Let those who may ridicule you...with their red necks and tiny hats...pointing fingers of scorn from their great and spacious hat factory go you make your way along...with sombrero atop your well shaded head, neck, and the tree that will afford you even more sun protection!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Eat the Weeds...
“In our friendly neighbor city of St. Augustine [Florida] great flocks of sea gulls are starving amid plenty. Fishing is still good, but the gulls don’t know how to fish. For generations they have depended on the shrimp fleet to toss them scraps from the nets. Now the fleet has moved. …
“The shrimpers had created a Welfare State for the … sea gulls. The big birds never bothered to learn how to fish for themselves and they never taught their children to fish. Instead they led their little ones to the shrimp nets.
“Now the sea gulls, the fine free birds that almost symbolize liberty itself, are starving to death because they gave in to the ‘something for nothing’ lure! They sacrificed their independence for a hand-out.
“A lot of people are like that, too. They see nothing wrong in picking delectable scraps from the tax nets of the U.S. Government’s ‘shrimp fleet.’ But what will happen when the Government runs out of goods? What about our children of generations to come?
“Let’s not be gullible gulls. We … must preserve our talents of self-sufficiency, our genius for creating things for ourselves, our sense of thrift and our true love of independence.” (“Fable of the Gullible Gull,” Reader’s Digest, Oct. 1950, p. 32.)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Make Your Own Laundry Detergent...
At least part of the reason that she does the folding is because she couldn't abide the pain of watching me try to fold. If I try as hard as I can....and really take my time...I will still mash something the wrong way....and the result will be a unseemly pile of wrinkly clothes. Her arms work like a well-oiled machine. In one fluid movement, every shirt...every pair of pants...whatever garment that makes it's way into her beautiful and yet robot-like hands...lies flat and crisp. You would be amazed to see her in action! I know I am. (For some reason the only place I have her beat would be on folding camping gear...funny how that works).
She has gotten that efficient from TONS and TONS of repetition. A family of 6 can go through a lot of laundry. How many loads a week does your family do? Have you ever calculated how much you spend on laundry detergent each year?
Let's say just for an example that a family of 6 does 5 loads a week. If they purchased Tide for $14.00 and that bottle did 32 loads...then each load would cost .44 cents. (This of course excludes the cost of electricity, gas, etc.) So 5 loads a week x 52 weeks in a year x .44 cents = $114.40 a year on detergent. The numbers would vary based upon the cost of the laundry detergent used...the efficiency of your washer...etc. While $114.40 may or may not sound like a lot of money to you...there is wisdom in the age old adage that "A penny saved is a penny earned." Finding ways to live frugally is wise in lean well as years of plenty.
Her recipe written out...
1. Grate 1 bar of soap (she uses Ivory)
2. In a pan add grated soap and 6 cups water and heat over med/low to melt ALL of soap. (This is the longest...30-40 minutes.)
3. Once all the soap is melted add 3/4 cup EACH of Super washing soda and Borax and dissolve. If you want to add a scent this would be the time (lavendar EO or Tea Tree etc)
4. Add 4 cups HOT water in bucket once the soap mixture is all dissolved pour into bucket.
5. Stir in 1 1/2 gallons cool water.
It is done and can be used 1/2 cup per load. It will gel up and over time it will separate, that is normal. She said that the one batch will last her family of 3 three months (2 adults and 1 baby)
Here is how much laundry detergent you can expect out of each box...
1 - 76 oz box Borax = 19 batches of soap
1 - 55 ox box Washing Soda = 9 batches of soap
1 - bar Fels Naptha (or other soap) = 1 batch of soap (1/2 soap & 1/2 spotting)
So you should need for family 5 for one year:
1 box Borax - ($3.49 at Winco)
2 boxes Washing Soda ($2.70 at Winco)...x2 = $5.40
9 bars Fels Naptha (or Zote or Ivory) - (Fels is $1.05 at Winco x9 = $10.82) (Fels Naptha is a laundry soap that would be found on the laundry isle)
So the grand total for laundry detergent one year is basically $20!!
If your local store doesn't carry the may be able to request that they order them. If is a place to buy the ingredients online. They even sell it as a kit.
Here is another blog that tells of an experience with making laundry detergent.
Here is a video on youtube about making your own laundry detergent.
Apart from the cost savings...there are other reasons you may consider making your own laundry detergent. Many people claim that they are really sensitive to various detergents...and will break out in a rash from contact. (Others say their rashes are attributable to other factors.) Regardless of who is right and who is is nice to be able to make your own detergent with the "basics" that doesn't contain all of the extra junk that is in a lot of laundry detergents. We often say that "You are what you eat"...and there is truth to the statement that "You are what is on your skin" the things that we put on our skin can be absorbed...and enter our bloodstream.
Another reason to consider making it yourself is that you can control how much you put in of the various ingredients. You can become like a detergent chef...getting it just how you like it.
There may also be an advantage for some in that just a few small boxes makes a LOT of perhaps they can save space in their storage of the ingredients.
One last one...these ingredients have purposes outside of their mixed purpose. With the ingredients can have more options with what you use them for...not just for laundry. Here are some uses of Borax. Here are some more. Here are other uses for Super Washing Soda. You already know other uses for soap! (Fels Naptha can be used for a spot remover)
If you really want to know the more primitive ways of making soap from scratch if the modern resources to mix together were not is how to make soap the old fashioned way.
One other thing that I find intriguing that I found while researching is what is called a "soap nut". It is an actual nut from a "Sapindus" tree that can clean your clothing. It has been used for centuries in other cultures and is gaining popularity in the US as a natural way to clean clothing.I wish you years of the joy of the look...scent...and feel of clean clothing!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Newsletter on Building a 3 Month Supply...
The newsletter can be downloaded from his site called "Principles of Preparedness".
The Troubles of Folsom Lake...
The cat is out of the bag...
The news reported that “The first two churches on the scene for disaster relief were the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Mormon Church”. Maybe you remember hearing about that and laughing. Although people all over the world don’t completely understand our doctrine…or frankly what the name of our Church is…they know that we have reputation for helping out in times of disaster. They have seen us in our yellow “Mormon Helping Hands” T-shirts on TV and in the paper. They have seen how well organized we are…as legions of volunteers show up and go to work. They have seen giant crates of supplies arriving stamped with the churches seal. Apart from our being known for our missionaries…family values…big temples…genealogy…etc…etc…we are known as a great humanitarian organization.
On a smaller scale we are also known for our family preparedness....and as a people that store food. The irony is that only a small fraction of our people has obeyed the command from the Lord to lay up in store! Various church polls over the years have shown that only somewhere around 10% of our people have a minimum of a year's supply! Still…as a people…we are more prepared than most and as a result our governments and many of the people in our communities look to us like a child looks to its parent for protection from times of scarcity (whether we know it or not).
As many of us scrimp and save to try to get the funds together to get our own family prepared for times of adversity…the thought of having to support a multitude of unprepared people (in and out of the church) can be a weight to bare. What I am sometimes asked in whispers in the hallways at church is this..."Is it better for me to just not tell anyone about food storage…because they won’t prepare and just show up at my door for a handout when hard times come? Is it better to just keep my big mouth shut!?"
I can identify with this sentiment. A few years back I had a bumper magnet made that said “Got Food Storage” just to raise awareness. People would stop me and ask me what it meant. I would tell them about my beliefs of how "The prophets have foreseen hard times before Christ comes" and that "it is a good idea to store food and supplies for those times"...and they would almost inevitably respond…“I know where I’m coming when there’s no food! I’m coming to your house!!” I responded as lovingly as I could “You need to get your own supplies together for your family...and I'd be happy to tell you how” which they would look at me with a blank stare and then walk away. I was finding that all I seemed to be attracting were people that were planning on using me as their store! I started to get uneasy…feeling that perhaps all I was doing was advertising to everyone that I had food storage…but wasn’t really motivating them to get their own. I took the magnet off my car.
At this point one could become reclusive and decide to discontinue spreading the gospel of preparedness in order to have some sort of self preservation. One could feel that..."If no one knows I am preparing...then they won't show up!"
I am here to tell you that the cat is already out of the bag! Even if you don't directly tell people that you store food (or don’t store food) doesn't matter. People know that "The Mormons store food"...and could find out that you are a Mormon. If we learned anything from our recent involvement with prop 8 here in California…it is how quickly our anonymity as “Mormons” can be blown. It wouldn’t take long for the word to travel that the “Mormons have food”(to anyone who didn’t already know)…and for a similar list of who we are and where we live to surface. If you doubt that people know already about our storing of food and a search on the internet on “Mormon food storage” and you will see that many or most of the sites are not our own! It’s even already in the news letting people know what we are doing…and times aren’t nearly as hard as they could get!
It may play out that when there is a famine in this land…people will find you because you are a “Mormon”…expecting that you have food for them...knowing that you will be able to support them because "Hey...all active Mormons store food!". Imagine trying to explain to a hungry public that shows up at your doorstep that “Yes…I am a Mormon…and No…I didn’t store food”. Do you think they will believe you and just move to the next Mormon on the list?! These people or entities will come to us with a cupped hand…or a fist. It's hard to say exactly how everything will play out...perhaps the Lord will deliver us from such confrontations...but if not...I don't think myself out of line in thinking that this is a highly plausible scenario. If you think you are an island to yourself…you may be in for a rude awakening.
True LDS should be motivated out of love and not fear. We should want our brothers and sisters to prepare in an attempt for them to not have to suffer...because we love them...and to alleviate the moral dilemmas that can come from an unprepared community. The Golden Rule applies unto others as you would have others do unto you. I believe quite firmly that we will see some of our greatest growth in the church by including the community in our preparedness program. As our communities come out and rub shoulders with us in our preparedness activities...and see that many of us are doing our very best to not be "of the world"...and then they take the time to investigate the Lord's doctrine...and pray about it. Even if someone never takes any interest in the could be a savior of their temporal welfare in this life by helping them to get prepared.
Henry B. Eyring said in this last months Ensign...
"Now, I don’t know how the crowds will be handled in the world to come. But I suppose that I will meet him, that he will look into my eyes, and that I will see in them the question: “Hal, you knew. Why didn’t you tell me?”"
Doctrinally I think that it would be a hard position to defend...that the Lord would currently have you not warn your brothers and sisters about the coming danger in favor of your own preservation.
Now having said that...while I do think that we have a responsibility to warn people and to influence them to get prepared....I would hesitate to go on the news saying that you have a six year supply or anything like that. There is wisdom in to not "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.". I have not put my bumper sticker back on my car. Despite what I believe is an impossibility to retain complete anonymity...I still think that the Lord would have us exercise some discretion. There is a difference in my mind between "Sharing the gospel of preparedness to help others get prepared"...and..."Making yourself a target by blabber mouthing to the world of your preparations".
Let's learn from Nephi who "Crept into the city"..."by night". Nephi who was "Led by the spirit"...still obtained the plates by "stratagem". His use of stratagem was not due to a lack of faith in the power of the Lord...but an understanding of the fact that our God expects us to use some common sense...and to pray to Him as if it all depended on Him...but work as if it all depended on us. He understood as it says in the welfare manual "Providing the Lords Way" that "He never forsakes us, but he does not do for us what we can do for ourselves".
The stratagem that seems most prudent in the sharing of the gospel of to let people know about what dangers are around let them know that you care for them...and to invite them to an actual activity to get prepared. The next stake on is on May 9th. Perhaps you could encourage your Elder's Quorum...or Relief Society...or other organization to have an activity so you can invite someone!...or a bunch of people! A few years back...people may have looked at you like you were crazy...but now...people are hungry for information on how to get prepared.
This scripture from the Doctrine and Covenants 101:8 has application...even to the unbelievers...
"In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but, in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me."
Let's do as Dallin H. Oaks has recommended...
"While we are powerless to alter the fact of the Second Coming and unable to know its exact time, we can accelerate our own preparation and try to influence the preparation of those around us." (Dallin H. Oaks - April 2004 General Conference)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Good Sun Hat...
Have you ever walked into a hat shop that carries all kinds of hats? It is so much fun to walk around and try on the different hats and then look in a mirror and laugh! Or to imagine what it might be like to be the kind of person who would wear such a hat. Some hats are made mostly for style (perhaps like Aretha's)...others have more of a utilitarian use (like a welder's hat keeps sparks out of his ear)...they come in all different sizes...shapes...and colors...and can be found in every culture I know of...and are worn for multitude of purposes.
Worldwide...perhaps one of the most popular hats is the baseball cap. The irony with a baseball that on a sunny day...a baseball cap is one of the worst hats you could wear to a baseball game!
From Wikipedia...
"Baseball caps provide inadequate protection from solar UV radiation which is known to cause skin cancer. A typical baseball cap leaves the sides of the face, ears and neck all exposed to the full sun light. This dramatically increases the wearer's risk of developing melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Skin cancer prevention groups do not recommend their use under any circumstances. For serious sun protection, a hat with a broad brim or one with a flap covering the neck and sides of face (often called a legionnaire's hat) should be worn."
Reading that reminded me of a statement by Brigham young...
"My warfare is, an has been for years, to get the people to understand that if they do not care for themselves they will not be taken care of; that if we do not lay the foundation to feed and clothe and shelter ourselves we shall perish with hunger and with cold; we might also suffer in the summer season from the direct rays of the sun upon our naked and unprotected bodies."(Discourses of Brigham Young, p 16-17)
I recently read a non-fiction book called "The Raft". It is the story of 3 Navy airmen stranded on a raft for 34 days without food, water, or shelter...and how they survived. The lines from the book that describe the agony of those men....lying directly in the sun...with no cover...literally baking in the sun...are indelibly etched on my brain. Those men I'm sure would have appreciated a good hat! Even without such an extreme experience...anyone who has ever had a sunburn can tell you how the "direct rays of the sun" really can make you "suffer". Many who have had such experiences vow to never let it happen again...but in moments of weakness say "Ah...I'll be all's not that sunny"...and then they suffer through a sunburn again. Such mistakes may be OK when you can get to shelter to recover from the sunburn...but what if you had to continue to spend time in the sun?
Many of our pioneer fathers crossing the plains spent long...long days out in the sun. They apparently understood the value of a good hat...with their large brimmed men's hats...and the covering bonnets for the women. We would do well to emulate them in that regard....not necessarily wearing bonnets and large felt hats...but putting into our emergency supplies a good brimmed hat. I like the ones that can be throwing them in a backpack...and will still hold their shape. Here is one called an adventure hat...which won't win you a prize for looking really cool...but offers great well made to easily washed...and breathes. It is a pretty expensive hat...but like I is really well made and should last for a really long time.
It would also be wise to have other hats for keeping your head warm when it is cold. Presently I use just good ole' fashioned you could pick up at a dollar store or at Walmart for a buck or two. A small price to pay to have your head warm on a cool day or night!
So wear that baseball cap to support your favorite team...and to look cool as you go around town...but put a good brimmed hat in your supplies that will actually offer you protection!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Fire without matches...
Perhaps you say..."Then I will use a lighter". Lighters are would be good to have some on hand. long will your lighter last? What if your lighter leaks it's fuel? (after you use a slowly leaks) What if your lighter breaks? What if this primitive living lifestyle lasts longer than your supply of lighters? What if you are separated from your lighter?
There are other devices that you can purchase that aren't completely primitive that will start fire.
I bought a fire piston...but don't recommend them because my experience with them is that they have to be lubed up just right...and it can be really difficult to get an ember.
What I would recommend for everyone to have in their bug out bags is something that is small and doesn't require a bunch of skill to start a can get totally wet and frozen and still work...a tiny piece of it can make thousands of is swedish firesteel. I have these things tucked all over the place. I have one in each of our family bags...I have one in my leatherman case...etc...etc... I'd much rather have a firesteel than matches in a long-term survival situation. This winter my two older children...age 9 and 7 both could start a fire with a I am sure you could too!!
Happy firemaking!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Acorns can be people food...
Acorns are a wild food that even the smallest of children can identify. To the children that find them they are a novelty...and to most adults they are a nuisance...litter to be discarded. They drop from Oak trees in the Sacramento valley by the barrel full. A friend of mine recently told me how he had filled up his green waste bins multiple times with nothing but acorns! He exclaimed to me "What a waste...I know there is a way to make them into the Indians did! I got a bumper crop and they are just going straight to the green waste".
This last week I tried out one of these methods. Without getting into all of the details...I collected the acorns that are still falling from my "Interior Live Oak's" in my backyard...and followed this method to prepare the acorns. The flour was completed yesterday...and today I made my first acorn muffins! The kids in our preschool all loved them...and asked for seconds...and for thirds (to which we said "no".) They turned out to be like a spice cake...they were really good. I had some family eat some of a muffin and I asked them what they thought the special ingredient could which they guessed at various spices and nuts. Imagine their surprise when I told them it was made with "Acorn!" My grandmother exclaimed..."Like the Indians!!"
1. They are probably the most easy foraging food to identify! You aren't going to make a mistake and poison yourself! Identifying oak tree's can be difficult...because of the hybridization between the species...but you will not mistake the acorn that drops from it.
5. Once leeched of the tannic acid...the acorn can be made into a mush that is so mild an infant can eat it! It can be eaten without adding anything to it...or it can be mixed in with other foods to bulk them up. It is versatile!
8. You don't have to plant and tend the crop! In contrast to growing your own garden...which takes a lot of time and effort to get the fruit...acorns just fall from the trees without any thought of taking care of the tree! Oaks drop their acorns according to a cycle...weak years followed by a strong year...and the timeline is based largely on what variety Oak it is. Then there is also a phenomenon called "masting" where an Oak will drop an unreal amount of acorns (often really large) my friend experienced.
9. You can actually have a really long season of harvestable acorns! Many Oaks are dropping acorns back in October...November...and here it is mid-February and I am still collecting!
2. Ideally you will collect your acorns when they have freshly fallen. The Miwok and Paiute Indians both selected their acorns like we would our oranges at the grocery store. Taking only the acorns that had no holes or bumps...and looked healthy. I used substandard acorns...and it was still time I want it to be even better!
Here is the way I will try it next time...just to try another method
Julia F. Parkers New Way Acorn (from the "It will live forever book")
Crack 4 pounds of acorn with a hammer. When cracking, tap shells lightly enough that the nutmeats will split into halves or thirds, but won't shatter into small pieces.
Remove shells by hand, returning shells and any bad nuts to the earth.
To loosen the skins, lay acorn on a cloth on a table in the sun. Split grooves open by pressing down with the sharp edge of a knife held lengthwise in the groove. Sprinkle the acorns with water and allow to dry. Rub handfuls of nutmeats between hands to remove skins. Scrape any adhering skins off with a knife. Taking bad nuts into account, 4 pounds result in about 4 cups of whole, cleaned acorn.
Blender Crushing
Measure out 4 cupfuls of whole, cleaned nutmeats. Put 1 cupful (5 1/2 oz.) in a blender and break up at low speed. The acorn will jump around in the blender. Once the nutmeats are broken up, switch the blender to high speed and run until no more acorn falls from the edges onto the blades. Mix acorn up with the handle of a wooden spoon, making sure to include the acorn nearest the bottom, which tends to get sticky. Repeat blending and mixing until acorn is reduced to fine flour. (If acorn gets oily as blended, add a few whole nutmeats at a low speed to absorb the oils.) Remove the now fluffy flour and set aside in a bowl. Add second cupful and repeat the process. Add a third cupful and repeat. Add a fourth cupful and repeat. This results in 5 fluffy cupfuls of flour.
If there are chunks of acorn in the flour, it needs to be run throught the blender again. Don't put more than a cup of acorn in the blender at a time - any more might cause the motor to burn out.
Put flour into a 5-pound flour, sugar or salt sack. Fill the sack full of water and allow it to drain so the flour is saturated. Tie the sack to a faucet and turn the faucet on just past a drip, so that a very slow, steady stream of water drips over the outside of the sack (which serves as a waterbreak) all night long.
Place leached acorn (when wet, it reduces again to 4 cups) in a stainless steel pot. Add 3 cups water and mix with acorn. Cook at high heat, stirring frequently. While acorn cooks, gradually add 7 more cups of water. Keep stirring. Let the acorn boil for 15 minutes, until it has the consistency of tomato soup. For cornmeal mush consistency, add less water. Makes 11.5 cups nuppa. If using fresh (newly gathered) acorn, increase the amount of water used, as fresh acorn thickens more than older acorn.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Barter in hard times...
In the words of Heber J. Grant...
"My experience has taught me, and it has become a principle with me, that it is never any benefit to give out and out, to man or woman, money, food, clothing, or anything else, if they are able-bodied and can work and earn what they need, when there is anything on earth for them to do." (Conference report October 1936, pp. 2-6)
Paying a fair price for goods and services is generally now done with the currency of a nation. One must remember that the currency of any nation is only of any worth in a working economy. In a non-working economy...trying to get the things you want will take offering your services (working)...or trading the things that you have that people want.
Ezra Taft Benson told us...
"The Saints have been advised to pay their own way and maintain a cash reserve. Recent history has demonstrated that in difficult days it is reserves with intrinsic value that are of most worth, rather than reserves, the value of which may be destroyed through inflation." (Ezra Taft Benson, “Prepare Ye,” Ensign, Jan. 1974, 68)
So what are some items with intrinsic value?
F. Enzio Busche helps us to see how a now commonplace food item...was once an item of most value...
June 1982)
Many of us have heard the story of how in the "great depression" a car was traded for a sack of potatoes. In day's of prosperity it is hard for many to fathom why someone would ever make such a trade...but when food becomes scarce...or when hyperinflation increases the price of basic commodities to the point where the average person cannot buy will make a whole lot of sense.
It is foolish to expect that the expensive toys we now have will be able to be traded to obtain our family the food we need in hard times. When food is priority number one and people's stomachs are one will want your electronic trinkets...your fine twined linens...and crisping pins...they will want eggs and butter!!
Charles W. Nibley related how the saints survived in the Cache Valley during the winter of 1860 and said that "Eggs and butter were the chief currency of the country. There was no such thing as money". (Pioneer stories, pp. 87-98)
I know of many people who might be labeled "survivalists" who when they are at the store...and see a great deal on a certain item...stock up on as much as they can. Their attitude is that if they can't use least they will have extra on hand with which to trade for the things they do need.
As F. Enzion Busche said...
" long as there survives more than one family, there will be trading of valuable items. A free market will begin immediately to satisfy the needs of the people, and items in greatest demand will set the price, bypassing the use of money." (Ensign, June 1982 pp. 17-18)
Here is a site that list's the 100 things that will disappear first...that you may consider stocking up on...for bartering purposes. By no means is it a complete list...but perhaps it will get you thinking on what items really matter most...and which may be of most use for bartering when the time comes.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Kelly's Water Storage Handout
How Much to Store?
· FEMA & Red Cross recommend 14 gallons per person for two weeks (1 gallon a day/person)
· More is better ~ consider use for cooking, hydrating foods, powdered milk/beverages, etc., cleaning/bathing
What to Store it in?
· PETE (or PET) approved plastic containers such as soda bottles and juice containers
· 50 gallon drums (blue) or smaller sized ones
· Collapsible plastic storage containers
· Commercially bottled water
· Mylar bags
What Should I Not Store it in?
· Milk jugs, cardboard beverage containers, plastic bottles that previously held food products (ketchup, etc.), any non food plastic container (bleach bottles), glass (breakable)
· Swimming pools
Where Should I Store my Water?
· Cool, dry places
· Places where possible leaks will not cause damage
· Freezer
Where Should I NOT Store my Water?
· On concrete – leeching can occur while in plastic containers
· In direct sunlight and exposed to heat – cover with tarps if outdoors
· Near gasoline, kerosene, pesticides or similar substances – leeching
Other Important Water Storage Points…
· Water from chlorinated municipal water supply does not need treatment
· Always store in clean, sanitized containers
· Swimming Pools – back up source ONLY. Can be used for cleaning and bathing. Not suitable for consumption. Because of potential natural disasters - not a reliable source
· Have a hand filter such as a Katadyn as backup
WEBSITES: see Family Home Storage / Water Storage