If you don't know what I am talking about...read this article here.
Thanks to a reader named O'Hara for sharing his ideas that shaped how this is moving forward.
So here is the bottom line...
IF YOU WANT THE WATER BOTTLE - (I recommend this one for emergency packs...as you just scoop water and drink.)
Buy the (SP135) 34oz sport bottle filter with the .02 micron filter…from Wal-mart online. I'm sure it is the best price you will find at around $64 after taxes. Other places are selling it for $110!! That price is even lower than the dealer price. Have it shipped for free to your nearest Wal-mart. (The SP135 is ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE. On the shelves at Wal-mart they sell the bottle with the .1 filter.)
IF YOU WANT A BUCKET FILTER - (I recommend this one if you plan on filtering gallons of water...not just 34oz at a time. For use at your home...or "base camp".)
1. Purchase the .02 bucket filter (sp190) through me for $100…which is $40 less than what you would buy it from REI (after taxes).
Option A – This will give you the bucket hook-up kit from the lower priced .1 bucket kit (sp180/sp181 doesn’t take out viruses) so that you can use it with your .02 filter out of the water bottle from Wal-mart…or just use it as a .1 filter. The filters work interchangeably.
1. Buy the SP135 .02 water bottle from Wal-mart.
3. The total would be around $114. So for $14 more than option A…you can have ONE MORE FILTER WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!
Option B – For do-it-yourselfers. Save money by making your own bucket attachment kit to be used with your sport bottle from Walmart. (The filter in the bottle is the same a the one for the bucket kit)
1. Buy the SP135 .02 water bottle from Wal-mart.
2. Described in the comments is some info on the parts available at most hardware stores…that you would need to construct the bucket attachment kit yourself. I have not done it myself yet…but don’t see why it wouldn’t work. You will also need to track down a syringe of some sort to back flush the filter. You might be able to find one for a buck at the dollar store. If you need a 13/18th's spade bit...it will probably cost and additional $4.00 or less. The total should be around $70-$75.
My arrangement with Sawyer is that shipping is free...as long as we order in groups of at least 13 orders. People are paying me...and then I am paying Sawyer at one time through a credit account they set up for my orders. Ideally, I would like for people to pay in cash...money order...or cashiers check. Personal checks are OK. If you would like for me to write a receipt that I collected money from you...I'd be happy to do that. Send the funds...a description of what you are ordering...and your contact info...to Stephen Nix 110 Foxridge Drive Folsom CA 95630.
If you are local...when they arrive...I will contact you for you to pickup...or for us to make arrangements of how it can get to you.
If you live in another state or far away enough that you wouldn't want to drive to my home...if you can get together an order of 13 orders...shipping will be free. If not...you will get the same item prices...you will just have to pay an additional shipping fee. It would come to one location...then you would divvy it up to those whom purchased through you.
If you have any questions...please consider asking them in the comments section...so that other people who have the same questions can profit from the info. Let me know that you are purchasing...or what you intend to get together...so I know what to expect...by emailing me at wfgsnix@yahoo.com. We can also discuss special circumstances if there are any.
Also...if there is anything else on the Sawyer site that you want to purchase...let me know...and we can get a deal on other stuff too. Sawyer was eager to let us know that they offer other great products too! They provide REI with mosquito repellent...first aid kits...etc...that sometimes bear the REI brand...though they are made by Sawyer.
I'd encourage you to let people know about this. I might even make up a flyer to distribute if there is a need.
OK, so I commented yesterday about talking to Sawyer on the phone asking them about the Filter in the SP135 that Wal-mart sells for $59: http://tinyurl.com/ye6s58d
ReplyDeleteI understand you wanting the kit for the gravity fed system, all packaged nicely. So why don't you go ahead and do this. By the $59 water bottle from Wal-mart, Buy the .1 micron SP180 Filter and Bucket Adapter kit from Sawyer: http://tinyurl.com/ylgocq7 and then simply take the .02 micron filter out of the Water Bottle and swap it with the bucket kit .1 micron one. then for $118 you get the bucket kit with a .02 micron purifier like is in the SP190 kit that Sawyer sells for $145 and you get a Water Bottle with the .1 micron filter too all for $118. Seems like the best deal to me!
Personally, I just ordered 2 of the SP135 from Walmart for a total of $118 shipped to store and for about $5 worth of pvc fittings at HomeDepot, will have the bucket kit made. all you need is a 1/2" threaded coupling, 1/2" Female NPT x (I think 3/8" or maybe 1/4") barbed fitting, a 1/2" male npt adapter and an o-ring, some tubing and you are there as well, unless you want the 11/32" Irwin Spade bit too. Hope that helps you all. I was on the verge of getting a lifesaver bottle until I read about the fact the filters are good for 3 years from date of purchase, sealed in their glycol and then another 2 years after you activate them...but that was going to be $275 for a Lifesaver 6000 and spare filter :| I think we all might want to find charcoal filters for taste as well.
Also if you want a Berkey Water system on the cheap, look at this e-book: http://www.green-trust.org/freebooks/bucketfilter.pdf
I really like that homemade Berkey idea.
ReplyDeleteA second filtering with charcoal could help with taste...and could get the chemicals...which is the weakest spot of the Sawyer filters...
It looks like I bought the wrong Sawyer filter. I got it at Wal-Mart yesterday - but just looked on the box - SP140 - 39.99. They didn't have any others there. Should I take it back?
ReplyDeleteThe main value of having the sp135 over the sp140 is that the sp135 takes out viruses. Sp135 get's down to .02 microns...while the sp140 is going to get down to .1
ReplyDeleteIt depends on how important taking out viruses is to you. If it isn't a concern...then just keep the sp140. If it seems worth the extra money to have viruses crossed off the list...you should take it back.
The sp135 is only available online.
As stated above the 135 is the same filter as that used in the Zero point two (http://www.adventuresafetyproducts.com/servlet/the-52/Sawyer-Point-Zero-Two/Detail)
ReplyDeleteI tried using this filter the other day for a rather drastic experiment. I filled a five gallon barrel with water (about half way) then added (don't gross out) several fresh dog droppings from my neighbors dog. I have drank the filtered water with no ill effects. I also had it tested by a member of my stake (and friend) that is a microbiologist with a local hospital (Jordan Valley Hospital - UT). The water is safe, and while I understand that you think the test extreme...this is exactly why I suggested the Sawyer Filter to Stephen in the first place.
That is awesome Garrett! Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteYeah...I should have included your name with the O'hara's...as like a credit...as you first encouraged me to look into them deeper!
I'm leaning toward the Point Zero Two (SP190) bucket filter since it's rated at 1 million gallons. The SP135 is only rated for 3,000 gallons. The canister is the same but there must be a different amount of filtering material inside. The SP190 will filter more than 300 times more water than the SP135.
ReplyDeleteI think we also realize that a 3,000 gallon rating is a best case, optimal situation estimate. Reality is likely to be much less.
I emailed Sawyer and asked...
ReplyDelete"Is there any physical difference between the sp135 filter...and the sp190?
I read that the sp135 is rated for 3000 gallons...while the sp190 is a million?
Why is there a difference?"
They responded...
"The SP135 comes with a bottle while the SP190 is designed to attach to a 5 gallon bucket or large garbage pail.
There is no difference in how long the filter will last. The SP135 was packaged and introduced before we added the million gallon guarantee. They will last that long if properly maintained."
I was asked if there is a shelf life on the filters.
ReplyDeleteSawyer responded..."No...there is no shelf life".
Just thought I would point out the "tech" behind Sawyer filters link: http://www.sawyerpointonefilters.com/hollow-fiber-membranes.php
ReplyDeleteUsing technology taken from kidney dialysis, Sawyer® water filters use Hollow Fiber Membranes. Our filters are comprised of tiny "U" shaped micro tubes that allow water to enter into their core through tiny micro pores.
I had looked at the lifesaver 2000 bottles, but their filters have a 3 year life if sealed and then 2 once activated for a max of 5 years. http://www.lifesaversystems.com/techinfo.html
When I click your walmart link I get the price of $99, instead of ~$64
ReplyDeletethey must have raised the price since the article was written...