"the clouds shall withhold their rain, and the crops of the earth shall wither and die."
Though the complete fulfillment of that prophecy may or may not be now it is of note that much of the US currently faces drought.
The weather reports are forecasting spring-like weather all this week. They deliver the news with mixed emotions...because they know that we are supposed to have much more rainfall than we have had. The irony is that across the states there are people that are in awful unending storms...that our parched land would love just a small sip of.
Back in January of 2007 the US Water news was reporting that we were on pace for the lowest rainfall in 100 years...and 2008 wasn't any better.
The capital press reports that "Perhaps the most significant issue facing growers in 2009 is water. Rainfall in the Sacramento area was at less than 70 percent of normal for the season before last week's Christmas storm."
In this video our Governor has signed an executive order proclaiming a statewide drought. Some of the repurcussions of the drought are discussed in that video.
Folsom lake has gotten so low that mormon island is resurfacing!
This one is especially disturbing to people like myself who rely on Folsom lake for our water.
This should be a motivating factor for people to store water. Current events...even without prophecy...make it a wise move.
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